Women have not been well represented in entrepreneurship over the years, but there has been a change in this narrative. Since 2007, in the US, women entrepreneurs have increased their presence from 30% to 36% in all businesses when you consider the statistics of the 2012 census.

On a global scale, women entrepreneurs have increased by 13% compared to men who have increased by 5% as per the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor which monitors the economies of 40 countries. It has also been suggested that if there was increased gender parity in entrepreneurship, and both women and men started businesses at the same rate, the global GDP would have increased by 28 trillion by the year 2025.

Chrissy Weems advocates that female entrepreneur should look for women role models to help them build their path for entrepreneurial success. We are going to look at five tips that women should embrace to become successful.

Do not be afraid of failure

When you have failures in your story, it is proof that you have made risks that can help you build a stronger path. In most cases, failure affects women, and it affects their confidence. You need to learn that failure is part of success, and it is what we learn from. It is stated that you would rather fail at something you love than to succeed in what you hate.

Look for feedback

You need feedback to validate your business. You also need to perform competitive research to help you understand the needs of a customer. It is not a matter of going to the competitor’s website to complete your research.

You need to read their reviews, find articles that talk about them, and interview their customers. Be attentive about the negative reviews and learn from their customers on what they would wish to get out of the product or service they get from their competition.

This will also help you to conduct a thorough analysis to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors. Exploit their weaknesses and ensure that your product or service satisfies the weaknesses.

If you are product oriented, use crowdfunding to validate your idea. Although there are several crowdfunding ideas, go to iFundWomen crowdfunding ideas that support startups-led by women.

Always learn from every opportunity

Innovation, success, and growth are led by knowledge. Every successful entrepreneur loves to learn. In fact, most CEO’s read approximately 60 books in a year. If reading is hard for you, try online classes, audiobooks, or educations classes in college.

One great resource to use is Mentorbox. This resource helps entrepreneurs who are busy to pick the best leadership and business books and provide webinars and summaries on each book to make it easy to absorb the information that each book provides in a manner that suits the learning style of each individual.

Become an expert in your market

Although the marketplace has shifted, expertise and authenticity are still valued by people. To showcase your knowledge, you can express it through public relations, speaking, and blogging. You need to be visible; make a list of where you want to be seen from podcasts, YouTube, and Tv. To also gain exposure, you can try guest blogging.

Don’t do it alone, look for support

If you want to shorten your path to success, female entrepreneurs need to learn from the failures and success of others. It is vital to have accountability and mentorship to ensure that you do not stick on your understanding or the amount of information in the web.

Chrissy Weems advices women to look for platforms like HaveBIGplans.come which empowers millennials and women to become business owners. This platform also helps women to receive guidance from established entrepreneurs, mentors and coaches who have achieved success as business owners.

Ian Leaf

I am Ian Leaf, fraud and tax detective expert. At least that's the role I play on TV.


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