When you are working as a freelancer, you need to be certain that you have taken care of your taxes. You can use the steps listed here to get your taxes right, and you can continue to gather information about your taxes throughout the year. You can easily ensure that you have used the appropriate steps to manage your taxes, and you can use these tax hacks when you want to save money at the end of the year.

1. Collect Your Receipts

Jeff English NYC suggests that you collect all the receipts for the year. You can decide how these receipts will be used when you get to the end of the year, and you can use those receipts to write off your expenses. Because it is important to write off as many expenses as possible, you should continue to collect receipts even if you think they are not relevant.

2. Hire An Accountant

When you are Self-employed, you need to hire an accountant who can help you with your taxes. You can ask the accountant to prepare all your documents at the end of the year when you are ready, and that makes it much easier for you to understand what your tax liability will be. You may also save so much money that you can afford to hire the accountant to help you with other services throughout the year. Accountants also help you with investments, handling your expenses, and managing your payroll. This might be especially important if you hire a few employees to help you during the year.

3. Make Quarterly Tax Payments

You can estimate your tax payments using information from your previous returns. You can make these payments every quarter when you are trying to keep the government happy, and you should ask your accountant to send the payments for you. These tax payments will defray any tax liability that you have at the end of the year. You should also include these payments in your yearly tax return. You do want to pay too much because you might actually pay too much during the year.

If you are making these payments faithfully, you can avoid any issues at the end of the year. This is a good way to budget for your business because you can take all your tax money out of each receipt. You do not need to save this money, and you can expect a small refund at the end of the year if you send as much money as possible with each quarterly tax statement.

4. Incorporate

You can incorporate according to Jeff English NYC’s recommendations to reduce your tax liability during the year. When you have a corporation that manages your business, you will pay business tax rates without worrying about having a personal tax burden. You can use business tax exemptions to save money, and you might even get local tax breaks because of the sort of business that you run. If you are have incorporated, you should ask your accountant which type of corporation you should use. You should also take a look at the corporations that are used in your industry. For example, you might want to start an LLC corporation because all the other professionals in your industry do the same.

5. Deduct Your Travel

When you are managing a business, you should try to deduct your travel expenses. You can travel anywhere you want, but you should do business when you take these trips. Doing business in these locations makes all your business expenses deductible, and you can afford to take much longer trips that are more expensive.

You should keep receipts just like you did in the first tip on this list. You can travel to see family, friends, and loved ones without spending all your own money. You also need to ensure that you have chosen to use business services when you are traveling around the world. Most people who are traveling forget to do so with business in mind. This means that you should always ensure that you have receipts or collect credit card and debit card statements that show how much you spend when you took these trips.


When you are managing your own business, you can easily save money by using these tax hacks. If you hire a professional accountant, you will enjoy their expertise and save money. Your accountant can do much of the work for you, and they will help you understand what your priorities should be during the year. You can make quarterly tax payments, save money, deduct all your travel expenses, and ensure that you are saving quite a lot of money in the process. Someone who is using these tips can defray most if not all of their costs at the end of the year

Categories: Taxes

Ian Leaf

I am Ian Leaf, fraud and tax detective expert. At least that's the role I play on TV.


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